The more you do, the more you can help the Earth and its creatures.
♣ I explore nature.
» I hiked
» I visited park
♣ I planted some flowers for hummingbirds.
♣ I turned off the lights when I didn’t need them.
♣ I didn’t squish a spider.
♣ I’ve been eating more vegetables.
♣ I planted an “eating tree or bush” in my yard or a pot.
♣ I’m being careful about what I put down the drains.
♣ I’m trying to eat things that are grown locally.
♣ I take my own bags to the store and use them.
♣ I put a bird feeder or bird bath in my yard or on my porch.
♣ I planted some flowers that bees love.
♣ I learned more about the rainforest and why we need to protect them.
♣ I try to wear clothes that are grown organically.
♣ I made a compost pile.
♣ Instead of using the car, I
» walked
» ran
» biked
♣ I don’t litter.
♣ I helped save a bug.
♣ I’ve been kind to all creatures.
♣ I sniped a plastic can holder can holders so an animal won’t get stuck in it.
♣ I followed the three R’s:
» REDUCE – I turned off the water when I brushed my teeth.
» REUSE – I gave some of the stuff I don’t use to someone else.
» RECYCLE – I collected glass, newspaper and plastic and put it in a recycle bin.
♣ I’ve told my friends what I have learned and how they can help.
Share what you’ve learned from this check list.
The more your friends know, the more you can help!
Helping animals helps us all!